Many people have the wrong idea that erotic massages only have to do with sexual satisfaction or pleasure. However, at Dharma Massages we are convinced that human contact is key to our emotional well-being. Therefore, we consider that massage and mental health go hand in hand.

In fact, from our childhood development, to emotional and general well-being, human contact allows the release of oxytocin. In case you don’t know, oxytocin is known as the hormone of love, or bonding. Thanks to this hormone we have a sense of belonging, we are more social, stable and more confident.

How are massage and mental health related?

Recent research has revealed that erotic massage, and traditional massage in general, can greatly reduce mental illness. Headache, sleep disturbances, fatigue, muscle pain, and other mental health symptoms are greatly reduced when massaged.

In addition, it is well known that mental disorders, such as stress, affect our body through hormones that are responsible for our mood. Dopamine, for example, is the hormone of happiness, which cannot be released unless it is activated.

With massage you can increase blood circulation, and thereby increase the levels of the hormone dopamine.

How can massage alleviate mental illness?

Here we share the different ways that massage can help with mental illness. Regardless of whether it is an erotic massage, or a traditional massage therapy, it is a fact that your mind benefits from it and in different ways.

Massage helps calm the mind

One of the main causes of stress, fatigue, and anxiety is feeling mentally pressured. The good news is that with a massage therapy we can find the calm that our mind needs. Thanks to massage our mind remains alert and with a clear thought.

For example, facial massage activates the sympathetic nervous system, and at the same time improves our mood. And if we receive a massage regularly, it will help us reduce stress and anxiety levels. As a result, we will avoid accumulating emotions or any other type of problems that contribute to mental illness.

Receiving a massage helps us sleep better

Some people with mental illness tend to take refuge in alcohol, since otherwise they cannot fall asleep. Alcohol can certainly put you to sleep, but in no way does it give you a restful and peaceful sleep, like a massage.

Because massage helps increase blood circulation, it makes our heart rate decrease. As a result, our body releases tension, and with it we get a restful sleep. In fact, this is the reason why some people fall asleep during a massage.

In addition, if the massage is done with essential or aromatic oils, the benefits are greater, since the feeling of relaxation is deeper.

A massage can ease a headache

Another interesting aspect regarding massage and mental health is that it can be used to relieve headaches. That is, a shoulder, neck and head massage is excellent to relieve migraines, stress, and emotional tension.

Proper contact in these areas of the body relieves the pressure that builds up on the head, neck, and shoulders. As a result, we experience deep and pleasant relaxation.

It must also be said that massage can reduce the level of cortisol, which is known as the stress hormone. This hormone is in fact responsible for some of the most common mental illnesses, such as depression and cognitive decline.

It also improves immune function

Through massage therapy it is possible to reduce the levels of cytosines, which are the molecules responsible for increasing or reducing inflammation. Although it sounds strange, inflammation can lead to depression, asthma, and other illnesses.

However, massage provides benefits that go beyond just feeling good. That is, when we receive a massage, the function of our immune system is improved. Therefore, with a regular massage it is possible to treat depression, and in its case, eliminate colds.

In addition, massage makes us aware of our body

A pleasant sensation, the aroma of essential oils, and the touch of other human hands, make us aware of our body. In patients suffering from a mental illness, this makes them learn to listen to their bodies, and to stop focusing only on what bothers them or causes them pain.

In people with more serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, exploring somatic responses also provides great benefits. Chief among them is that it helps them connect with their own emotions.