Everything you need to know about male orgasm
Male orgasm Orgasm is usually an experience of pleasurable sensations that give rise to the brain and genital organs, it is the physiological process by which the body climaxes. Are orgasm and ejaculation the same? However, many come to confuse the arrival of orgasm with ejaculation and it does not [...]
How to achieve a marathon of sex?
Marathon of sex If you have already tried it, you will agree that sex is one of the greatest pleasures that the human body can enjoy, it is a healthy way to satisfy your sexual desire as long as you are responsible for what it means to have a responsible [...]
Tantric sex and 3 questions that do not you dare to ask
Tantric sex and 3 questions that do not you dare to ask When we think about going to a massage session of erotic tantric sex it is possible that uncertainty invades us and we begin to ask ourselves some questions that hardly have an easy answer to obtain. Either because [...]
What is Spanking? Do you practice it without knowing it?
Spanking a hidden practice If you have not ever listened about spanking does not mean that you have never practiced it in some moment; may it be in its softer and less compromised modality. Spanking is a sexual practice considered as sadomasochistic and, as it, is also considered one of [...]
Do we help you achieve a multiple orgasm?
Learn with us to have a multiple orgasm If you feel true passion for sex and are one of those people that a single orgasm knows little about, you have to know that reaching the climax more than once is possible. Throughout the post we will tell you what exactly [...]
How to increase sexual desire?
How to increase sexual desire with a tantric massage Many people do not know that sexual desire can easily be altered by the most diverse internal and external factors. None of us maintain the same intensity of our libido during our whole life, not even during the same day. In [...]
The 6 main benefits of a body-to-body massage
Tantric erotic massages If you are going through a period of great tension in your daily or work life, what you urgently need is a space of mental, physical and spiritual relaxation. And what better than to receive a body-to-body erotic massage that immerses you in a different state of [...]
The P male point: a different way to get pleasure
The P male point Did you know that you can have an orgasm that gives you an absolutely different pleasure than what you get through penis stimulation? Yes, as you read it. In addition to the penis you have other erogenous zones that will give you unforgettable orgasms. It is [...]
The preliminaries: the key to good sex
The preliminaries: the key to good sex that everyone should know Much is said about the preliminary games in sex, but the reality is that previous sex games are practiced very little and are even less understood. Throughout this article we will tell you what the preliminaries are and we [...]
Lingam massage to get an orgasm expanded
Lingam massage Much is said about the traditional orgasm and also about the multi-orgasm, but little is said about mentions orgasmo expandido. If you have never reached an orgasm of this type you should know that it is an experience much more alive than what you get with a traditional [...]
Similarities and differences between tantric massage and erotic massage
Tantric massage and erotic massage The eternal question that is asked by who has not yet visited a tantra massage center in Barcelona as Dharma is: what is the difference between an erotic massage and a tantric massage? Today we are going to try to answer this question as simply [...]
Erotic massage as a Christmas gift
Erotic massage as a Christmas gift: A special Christmas Still do not know what to ask Santa Claus? Do you need to make a gift to your best friend, relative or your partner? Do you need a companion to go to your dinner or company event at Christmas, or [...]