A harness vibrator, better known as a “female penis,” is basically a detachable erotic toy that is used by both women and men. Its objective is to provide customizable sexual stimulation to the couple. Of course, they can be found in a wide variety of shapes and sizes.

Additionally, many of these strap-on dildos are often available with different attachment modes. There are even manufacturers that have introduced female penises to the market without a harness, that is, they do not require any type of support. Often, these sex toys are manufactured to perfectly fit the user’s anatomy. Therefore, they can be used for a longer period of time.

What is a female penis or harness vibrator?

The female penis is a sex toy that allows you to simulate the penetration of a penis into your partner’s vagina or anus. It is called a female penis with a harness, because the harness is necessary most of the time, to hold the penis to the woman’s body. It is usually used in sex between women, but it is also very common for it to be used between women and men.

Placed deep into the anus or vagina, and held in place by natural muscle contractions, harness-free female penises provide the same sexual stimulation without having to deal with straps. Also, these designs can tickle your partner’s p point with every thrust.

Who uses the female penis?

Thanks to its versatility, the female penis can be used in various ways, depending on the person and her needs. When the right one is chosen, it can significantly enhance both people’s pleasure, regardless of experience or skill level.

Today, the taboo regarding these types of sex toys has collapsed. That is, dildos with or without a strap are in fashion among people with different sexual preferences.

Many sex toy companies continually produce female harness penises made specifically for lesbian sex. Most of these models have characteristics focused on stimulating the female anatomy, not only of whoever uses it, but also of whoever receives it.

On the other hand, men with very small penises can also use this type of vibrator with a harness. The advantage is that they do not cause secondary reactions or allergies, and allow to provide more pleasure to the couple.

Many women with vaginal sagging have even benefited from the female harnessed penis. This type of erotic toys can provide unique internal or external sensations, which in women with this condition is difficult to achieve.

It is also a fact that there are men who like to be anally penetrated by their women. For them, a female penis with or without a harness is ideal to experience the sexual pleasure of their P point. Basically it is a variant of prostate massage that, as we know, offers many health benefits.

Characteristics of the female penis with harness

These sex toys may look similar to a standard dildo, but they are definitely not. The characteristics of the female penis with harness are unique, and therefore it is convenient that you know them beforehand. Next we will talk about its most relevant characteristics.

Adjustable harness system

Depending on the style of harness, you may find yourself with an adjustable female penis, or a plug that is inserted into the user’s anus. Many female penises can accommodate more body types, and they stay in place longer.

There are also many models that provide additional stimulation through the anus, and can even be worn for hours without causing chafing. The newer variants come with a removable harness and integrated anal plugs for the user to choose their preferred one.

Wavy shaft for deeper penetration

The best part of being penetrated by a perfectly designed penis is its ability to identify the receptor’s most sensitive internal points. This is often accomplished by adding special features such as wavy shafts that produce great pleasure by stimulating the nerve endings.

Clitoris stimulator

Most of the time, a good female strap-on penis will come with a pad designed to stimulate a woman’s clitoris upon penetration. This can significantly increase pleasure during sexual encounters. Many of these pads are even equipped with their own vibration patterns to provide pleasure for both partners.

Nice external texture

Not all strap-on female penises are the same, but most have some type of pleasurable external texture to provide more stimulation. That is, more intense stimulation can be experienced during penetration, even if the female penis is used with your hand, as if it were a traditional dildo.

Solid or hollow core

Normally the female penis is found in two variants. One is firm core, while others are hollow. A solid female penis features a rigid and heavy core that simulates a real, natural erection. Therefore they are perfect for lesbian sex and double penetration.

The hollow female penis allows the penis to be inserted and has an additional inner texture. These are suitable for heterosexual couples, mainly men with erectile dysfunction