One of the questions most frequently asked by our clients is: is tantra-erotic massage or Lingam sex? And it is that it is one of the first doubts that anyone who wants to receive an erotic tantra massage, in any of its modalities, raises the first time.

Do you share this uncertainty? Do not worry! Throughout this article we will tell you the reasons why tantra-erotic massages are often confused with sex.

We will also tell you what exactly a Lingam and a Yoni are so that you can know the main characteristics of these two types of massages that are so important and influential in all areas of our lives.

But let’s not waste any more time, let’s start by answering the initial question.

Is tantra-erotic massage sex?

Westerners have heard a lot about this popular spiritual current called Tantra, but very few people really know what its practices consist of. It is even often confused with the Kamasutra.

In any case, there is something that we want to make clear from the first moment: the tantra-erotic massage or Lingam is NOT sex.

So what is it? Well, let’s go step by step, because to understand the reason for this differentiation we have to go back to the origins of Tantra, its meaning and its primary objective.

What is Tantra?

The term Tantra, which in the Devánagari language is written त. Is of Sanskrit origin and means “weaving, loom, essential part, rule or doctrine.” It is a mystical philosophy that was born in what we know today as India and dates back more than 5,000 years.

Tantra is a way of understanding life and of relating to others. It is a philosophy that seeks to unite the body with Divine spiritual energy through the channeling of our own energy. The ultimate goal of this doctrine is to deepen the knowledge of oneself and this covers all fields of life, including sexual.

This spiritual current tells us, in short, that the human being can return to his creative source if he starts a series of practices that activate his energy. In this way you will come to connect with the Universe and the Divine.

Tantra and sexuality

For Tantra, sex has a sacred meaning. Many of its practices and exercises are intended to increase sexual energy in order to achieve Enlightenment.

Did you know that most of the energy in our body remains unused? And it is that if we do not know how to channel it correctly, that energy remains latent and waiting for us to give it some use. In this sense, sex is a wonderful way to use it for our personal benefit. And the tantric-erotic massage is the perfect tool to help us in the task.

It is undeniable that sexuality well understood is the key to integration with the world around us. In this order of things, it is an extremely powerful force that can be used to raise our state of consciousness.

You have heard countless times that the body is the temple of the soul. That is why the tantra-erotic massage has not been designed to have sex for fun but to channel our creative energy and transform it into spiritual elevation.

Through the Lingam massage or the Yoni massage, your masseuse will seek to activate your energy points in such a way that, as your body relaxes, your mind calms down, your emotions calm down and, little by little, you will come into contact with a higher state of consciousness.

In short, erotic massages are not only a motivational tool that provides great sexual pleasure to both men and women. Thanks to an erotic tantric massage provided by professional masseuses, we can evolve spiritually, deepen ourselves and our Divine essence, discover our most sensitive erogenous zones, improve our relationship as a couple and learn to fully enjoy the honeys of sex with her. 

What are the best known erotic massages?

As you can see in the menu that we offer in our Barcelona Massages Center, there is a great diversity of erotic massages. Among them, the two best known are the Lingam massage, which is related to the penis, and the Yoni massage, which is related to the vulva or vagina.

Is Lingam massage sex?

Lingam massage is tantric massage intended for men and is not sex itself. It is an especially important massage for the practice of Tantra because the male erogenous zone is what is known as the “Sacred Point”.

Why isn’t it sex, you may be wondering. The answer is: because it does not seek ejaculation but its main objective is to activate male erogenous zones, increase sexual desire and boost pleasure in all its variants.

However, we have to say that the Lingam is such an impressively sensitive massage that ejaculation tends to be the inevitable outcome.

How is a Lingam massage performed?

It is important to emphasize that all our massages are performed in an intimate and luxurious tantric environment in dim light, accompanied by scented candles and relaxing music.

After the recipient of the massage, lying on a tatami or futon and completely naked, is totally relaxed thanks to the previous massage, the Lingam massage itself will begin. When the masseuse or erotic masseuse of her choice has started the penis massage, not only her body will be completely relaxed but also her mind and spirit will have entered a state of meditation.

The massage is performed by caressing the penis and testicles alternately, varying the intensity, frequency and pressure in each caress. The firmness and softness used by the masseuse will alternate to provide the man with unmatched pleasure.

During the Lingam massage it is possible that the erection decreases, but there is no cause for concern as it is absolutely normal and is due to pressure changes. The most important thing is to maintain the erotic atmosphere at all times and in style.

It is possible that the erotic masseuse lengthens the moment of pleasure by caressing the perineal area in circles and applying gentle pressure to it.

Let’s not forget that the objective of the Lingam massage is not ejaculation, but the scope of pleasure to connect with our Divine part. However, it is very likely that all this ritual ends with orgasm and not only that, but that orgasm is the most pleasant that the recipient of the massage has ever had in life.

Is Yoni massage sex?

While reaching climax is often the desired and inevitable consequence, the Yoni massage is not sex. And, like any other tantric massage, its purpose is not orgasm but rather the connection with the Divine through sexual pleasure.

How is a Yoni massage performed?

Like the Lingam massage, the Yoni massage is performed while immersed in an intimate tantric environment adorned with scented candles and accompanied by soft and relaxing music.

The female erotic areas are much more sensitive than the male ones, so a Yoni massage has to be given in a completely different way. In women, her mind intervenes as the key and central point of the massage, so the caresses have to be much more delicate and above all, carried out with special care and care.

With the woman completely naked, the massage begins with gentle stroking of the breasts, abdomen and thighs. So that vaginal dryness does not cause irritation, the hands of the erotic masseuse will be impregnated with a specific massage gel or lubricating oil.

The movements of the hands of the erotic masseur or masseuse must be performed in circles to gradually activate the woman’s arousal. Once the female body is fully receptive, vaginal lip massages can be started. Of course, always very delicately.

The strokes have to vary in intensity and speed, always taking into account the sensations that the recipient of the massage is experiencing. For this, intimate dialogue is essential, as is paying attention to her gestures and her moans of pleasure.

The female G-spot, which corresponds to the “Sacred Point” in Tantra, is an essential part of the Yoni massage. To reach it, it is necessary to turn the palm of the hand upwards and insert the middle finger into the vagina. It is easy to recognize, as it is a spongy area, different from the rest of the female sexual organ.

Once this point is located, circular movements have to be applied and it is at this precise moment when the woman can reach orgasm. If so, the movement should not be abandoned but should be smoothed to increase excitement and extend the climax as much as possible.

Tantra and the control of ejaculation

In neotantra, a pseudo-philosophy that has developed in the West in the late 20th century, there are many people who practice ejaculation control as a way to increase male energy and improve their sexual relationships. For this they use their breathing controlling it through techniques aimed at muscle control.

The control of ejaculation also allows a longer enjoyment of the tantric massage and helps to obtain greater relaxation.

Unlike what happens in sexual relations whose objective is to reach the climax, in tantra-erotic massage there is no such aim. There is only one here and now that allows you to focus all your energy and attention in the present moment.

However, although the purpose of the erotic tantric massage is not orgasm, it is very likely that at the end of it you cannot avoid it, especially if the massage includes a Lingam or a Yoni. And this happens because the energy that runs through the body while you are massaged turns into waves of pleasure.

Benefits of tantra-erotic massage

The tantra-erotic massage provides so many benefits to the body, mind and spirit that it would be a pharaonic task to get to mention them all. But let’s see below which are the most relevant.

The tantra-erotic massage:

● Activates vital energy, allowing you to be more prolific in your day-to-day tasks. 

● Reduces work stress.

● Transform routine into a limitless paradise of new ideas.

● Makes your body free of muscle tension.

● Free your mind from negative thoughts.

● Increase creativity constantly.

● Significantly improves relationships.

● The need to socialize increases, thus attracting new friends and greater happiness to your life.

● Strengthen your confidence.

● Renew the body, mind and spirit, allowing greater self-knowledge. 

● It allows us to discover new areas of pleasure in our body.

● Increases sexual desire and energy.

● Activates sweat glands and makes skin look brighter and more youthful. 

● Detaches dry skin and accelerates its renewal process. 

● Seeks greater physical well-being since it increases muscle oxygen. 

● Open your chakras, something that allows a more intimate connection with yourself. 

● Helps balance emotions and better control negative impulses. 

● Decreases anxiety and increases positivity.

● Collaborate in overcoming sexual traumas.

● Puts your true essence in contact with the Divine.

In short, the sexual pleasure experienced through Tantra is very different from that experienced through the traditional and profane sexual act. In Tantra, it is not the man and the woman who make love, but rather two universes connected to each other on another level.

Instead of being focused on selfish pleasure, the tantra-erotic massage opens up to the bodily universe of the person being massaged. Orgasm is not prevented, but it is not what really matters for Shakti or Shiva. The climax becomes Divine revelation.

And you, have you experienced a tantra-erotic massage firsthand? Leave us in the comments what you think about the experience.