The erection in the massage is something very common among men. In fact it is a physiological response that happens and is very normal. Also, an erection can indicate physiological arousal. However, it does not necessarily indicate the presence of emotional or sexual desire.

In fact, touch during massage in any part of the body can activate the parasympathetic nervous system. As a result, a man can experience a partial or full erection.

Erection in massage is normal

Although physical arousal can occur with both women and men. Arousal in women is usually less visible. Also, the fear of having an erection, or the response of the masseur. It inhibits many men from seeking massage therapy.

For those men who lack inappropriate intentions. Education about normal body function can alleviate this fear. Most importantly, create a new level of comfort with somatic-based therapies.

In any case, if there is any discomfort on the part of the client or the masseuse at the time an erection occurs, it must be addressed immediately.

How to address an erection during a massage?

Although in an erotic massage the direction is something that does not cause any problem or discomfort. Some men may feel embarrassed that this happens. Especially if it is your first massage.

In this sense, it is important to consider the following:

• Discomfort on the part of the client or the therapist will limit the focus of the massage. Which will affect the effectiveness of the therapy.

• On the other hand, if a man shows no signs of embarrassment or discomfort when the erection occurs. And the therapist has no problem with it, so there is no need to broach the subject.

• In case the masseuse notices some discomfort in a client who has an erection. This can range from bodily tension to facial flushing. It is best to talk about it with the client.

• Because the antidote to a parasympathetic response is the activation of the sympathetic nervous system. The masseur can change the massage technique you are using to quench spontaneous erections.

• It is also important to know that the sympathetic nervous system can be activated by increasing the rhythm and pressure of the massage.

• However, this increase should be moderate. The goal is to avoid alarming or causing pain to the client.

What to do if an erection occurs during the massage?

It often happens that the masseuse does not fully understand the intention of the client to have an erection during the massage. In this regard, there are some steps that can be taken to properly address this situation.

The most advisable thing is to stop the massage with an assertive behaviour.

• This means addressing the client using body language consistent with verbal communication.

• For this it is important to make eye contact and stand up with a relaxed but firm posture. It is also important to use a clear tone of voice.

• It is also important to avoid cowering or speaking in a low voice as this represents passivity. Even yelling or touching inappropriately is a sign of aggression.

• It is also important to maintain security as it does upset the client, or the masseuse feels intimidated. It can be easily positioned towards the exit door in case the customer becomes an active threat.

Describe the behaviour

When an erection in massage occurs, stating the obvious may seem difficult yet it clarifies the client’s intention. When a behaviour is described, the client understands that the therapist is paying attention but not making judgments.

The correct way to approach this situation is as follows:

• The masseuse can tell the client that he has noticed the tension in his muscles and certain expressions every time he touches a certain area of ​​his body.

Clarify customer intentions

After stating the obvious, ask the client directly what they are experiencing or feeling. This can reveal the true meaning behind the erection.

The masseuse may simply ask the client what is happening or what is he experiencing. Depending on the comfort level of the client, as well as their intention. Your answer may or may not be simple.

In this case, it is important to avoid giving an answer to the client, so it is advisable to wait for him to offer a clear answer. Clarifying the client’s intentions will allow the masseuse to make an accurate assessment of the situation.

Educate customers

During massage therapy, it is common for unexpected emotional and physiological responses to be experienced. When the masseuse is aware of a client’s concerns, they can share information to educate him.

For example, it can be explained to the client that sometimes people who receive a massage become aroused as a physiological response to touch. This is very normal in the human body.

It is also a good idea to tell the client that it is natural for some men to have a physical response to massage.