Testicle massage or testicular massage can help you improve libido and your erections. You may never have heard of this type of erotic massage before. You may even be a bit skeptical on the subject. The reality is that massaging the testicles regularly can increase testosterone.

And not only that, it can also increase your sperm count, and as a bonus, improve your erections. Unfortunately the testicles often go through something, being that they are vital organs for the body and sexual health.

What is a testicle massage?

Keeping your testicles in good shape gives you longer lasting erections, more sex drive, and more semen. Suffice it to say that the testicles are responsible for producing sperm, and 95% of your testosterone. Consequently, they have great influence both physically, emotionally, and sexually.

Also, when you regularly explore your testicles, you can notice any changes that arise. This is because pain, swelling, or a lump in the testicle may indicate a medical condition. If you want to have proper testicular health and function, the key is to improve blood circulation in that area.

And the best way to activate blood flow is through a testicle massage. If you’ve never, or never had a testicular massage, thinking about it can seem uncomfortable. However, there is nothing to worry about, on the contrary, this type of erotic massage is simple and highly efficient.

In fact, testicle massage is an ancient Taoist practice, developed to strengthen erections, and recover after sex. It was basically created as a way to relieve pressure and discomfort in that area. The ancient Taoist masters believed that massaging the scrotum is essential to maintain good sexual health.

What is needed to do a testicular massage?

Practically all you need are your hands. So before you start, make sure you scrub and heat them so that they are charged with healing energy. Also, when you begin to massage the testicles, it is important that you make sure to press firmly, but gently.

In case a sensation of pain or sensitivity is experienced, you should massage a little more gently. Sometimes the discomfort goes away in a few minutes, but other times more erotic massage sessions on the testicles may be necessary. It is very likely that a blockage is causing the pain, so massage will help dissipate and increase blood flow.

On the other hand, you can do a testicle massage with or without oil, depending on what you like the most. We recommend using a fragrance-free oil, preferably organic, such as coconut or jojoba oil.

How to do a testicle massage?

Here we show you the correct way to do a testicle massage. The great thing about this erotic massage is that you can do it yourself, or ask your partner to do it. You can even book an appointment at Dharma Massages and make this a more complete and unforgettable experience.

Start by squeezing the scrotum and testicles

• Using your right hand, grab the left testicle, stretch it away from the penis and massage gently.

• Do the same with the other testicle and then hold both testicles with one hand, while doing a circular motion with the other.

• As you do this, gently press on tight skin.

Massage between the testicles

• What you need to do here is use your thumb, index and middle fingers to massage the skin between the testicles.

• Make sure to do it slowly and gently.

Stretch the testicles

• Simply gently pull the testicles down.

• Do it for about 10 seconds.

• Then release them.

Stimulate the testicles

• Hold the penis up so that the testicles are exposed.

• Then, with the middle and index fingers, begin to stimulate them slowly for a minute or two.

• Make sure to gently stimulate them to avoid any sensation of pain.

• This stimulation should be firm enough to feel them.

• Optionally you can cover the testicles with your hand and tap the area with the other.

What are the benefits of a testicle massage?

If you are still not convinced of how great testicle massage is, perhaps knowing the benefits they offer will change your mind.

• Testicular massage increases male potency, since it activates the production of healthy sperm.

• In addition, erotic testicular massage also increases testosterone levels.

• If you have trouble maintaining your erections, a testicle massage can give you longer lasting erections.

• Additionally, massaging the testicles increases your energy and sexual health. 

• If you have trouble maintaining your erections, a testicle massage can give you longer lasting erections.

• Additionally, massaging the testicles increases your energy and sexual health.

• It even helps relieve pressure after sex.

• And if you suffer from inflammation and testicular obstruction, this massage can also relieve those ailments.