Sexual obsessions are often seen as something bad or perverse. However, it is important to clarify that not always having a sexual obsession leads to bad behaviour.

The reality is that these types of obsessions are closely linked to obsessive compulsive disorders. Therefore, it is important to determine how a sexual obsession develops, and what role it plays with respect to obsessive compulsive disorder.

Obsessive compulsive disorder and sexual obsessions

A person with obsessive compulsive disorder is characterized by developing an uncontrollable urge to perform an act. That is, they are compulsions that you often want to do repeatedly.

This type of disorder is also characterized by obsessions. That is, the inability of a person to stop thinking about a thing or image without experiencing anxiety. When it happens, the person can become obsessed with violent thoughts, assaults, and also sexual obsessions.

Common sexual obsessions

While it is true that a person can experience a wide range of sexual obsessions. Often the most common obsessions considered forbidden include the following:

• Brutality

• Infidelity

• Violence

• Slavery

• Sadism or masochism

• Thinking of friends in sexual terms

It is interesting to mention that between 6 and 24% of people with obsessive compulsive disorder. They experience some form of sexual obsession. However, this percentage can be even higher because not everyone shares these thoughts.

It is also important to note that although it is generally thought that sexual obsession is something exclusive to men. The truth is that both men and women with obsessive compulsive disorder can experience these obsessions in a similar percentage.

We must also bear in mind that these sexual obsessions can occur with or without compulsions. Also, just because a person experiences these thoughts does not necessarily mean that they will carry them out.

A sexual obsession is not a sexual fantasy

Another aspect to note about sexual obsessions is that they are not the same as sexual fantasies. That is, a sexual fantasy is often related to pleasure or desire, achievable or not.

On the contrary, sexual obsessions are unwanted thoughts. Even most of the time they cause anguish, because they are often related to anxiety, shame and self-loathing.

It is also a fact that people with this type of disorder worry that a prohibited or illegal sexual obsession will lead them to act on those desires. Unlike a person who could act on these impulses.

A person with obsessive compulsive disorder will find sexual obsession immoral. Therefore, you will feel bad at the idea of ​​acting that way. Obviously, this is not necessarily the case for people who commit crimes of a sexual nature.

That is, although they are aware that such behavior is wrong, they usually make their thoughts come true as a pathological form.

When obsessive compulsive disorder is accompanied by sexual obsession. A person may exaggerately view pornography. You may also masturbate too often as a way to combat those unwanted thoughts.

How are sexual obsessions treated?

Obsessive compulsive disorder specialists can easily recognize sexual obsession as a symptom of the disorder. If there are no risk factors, they will help the person understand what is happening to them.

Also, sexual obsessions are treated in the same way as any other obsession. In these cases, treatment may require a combination of medications, in addition to psychotherapy.

This psychotherapy is often provided in the form of cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. It is also common for sexual obsessions to be treated with exposure and response prevention therapy.

In this particular case, the exercises may include the story of a sexual obsession. (This can be through an audiotape). The person should listen to the tape over and over until the obsession no longer causes anxiety.

You can also develop another variety of exposure exercises based on the type of sexual obsession you have.

However, for a sexual obsession treatment to work. It is essential that the person reveal the full nature of their obsession. That is, if a person is experiencing obsessive and unwanted thoughts about sex, they should tell about it.

Even if those thoughts are extremely distressing or very embarrassing. Furthermore, all this that is shared with the therapist will not only be kept completely confidential. They will also be received with an open and non-judgmental attitude.


The therapist in charge of treating sexual obsessions will be in the best position to help with the symptoms. However, you should be aware of any sexual thoughts or obsessions that the person experiences.

That is, the problem cannot be solved if it is not recognized. Therefore, if you experience these recurring sexual obsessions, it is best to be totally open about it.